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Advantages and disadvantages of fructose

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Fructose is a monosaccharide, which is mainly found in foods such as fruits and honey in nature, and bai is also present in plants, especially in Compositae. Among various natural sugars, fructose has the highest sweetness, and its sweetness is about 1.8 times that of sucrose. Fructose in honey contains about 49%.

Fructose is a monosaccharide, which is mainly found in foods such as fruits and honey in nature, and bai is also present in plants, especially in Compositae. Among various natural sugars, fructose has the highest sweetness, and its sweetness is about 1.8 times that of sucrose. Fructose in honey contains about 49%.  


In the body, fructose can be converted into glucose or synthesized glycogen, but glucose and glycogen cannot be reversely converted into fructose. The body's fructose is mainly produced by the intestinal disaccharase decomposing sucrose into glucose and fructose. Since fructose can bypass the rate-limiting enzyme in glycolysis, the decomposition rate in the liver is faster than that of glucose, and it is not affected by insulin. It is precisely because of these characteristics of fructose that people tend to relax their guard against fructose. In particular, some diabetics use honey as a sweetener, believing that the fructose in honey will not cause blood sugar to rise, and use it as a good health care product. In fact, eating too much fructose is more harmful.

The content of fructose in our blood is very small. The main sugar is glucose. What we usually call blood sugar also refers to the content of glucose in the blood. So where does the fructose we consume every day? When fructose enters the body, it can be absorbed and transformed smoothly after the intestine is combined with the carrier protein of intestinal mucosal epithelial cells. The main site of fructose transformation is the liver, which can be converted into glycogen, glucose and fat respectively. Therefore, there is not much fructose in the blood. From this point of view, excessive intake of fructose can also cause changes in blood sugar and is not a safe sweetener for diabetic patients.

Fructose can not only be converted into glucose, but also into fat, and cause increased fat synthesis. Compared with glucose, fructose can be converted into fat more easily. In the human body, there is a substance called phosphofructokinase, which is also known as the restriction enzyme of glycolysis. It has a regulatory effect on the glycolysis, while fructose is not controlled by phosphofructokinase, so it is easily converted into fat synthesis. The glycerin part. When the intake of fructose is low, fructose can be converted into glucose, which increases the storage of glycogen in the liver. However, when the intake of fructose is large, fructose becomes an unrestricted raw material for synthetic fat. Among the factors that lead to human obesity, it can be said that the harmfulness of fructose even exceeds that of glucose and sucrose.

In addition, the way that fructose and glucose are absorbed and used by the human body are different. Fructose does not suppress appetite and stimulate the body to increase energy consumption. We know that after people eat glucose, the secretion of insulin will increase, and the glucose in the blood will be sent into the cells to break down and supply energy. At the same time, the body will increase the secretion of "leptin" to help the body regulate appetite and fat storage. Therefore, when people eat glucose-containing foods, their hunger will weaken and their appetite will be greatly reduced. However, fructose has no such effect. When people eat fructose, their appetite will not decrease, and they still want to eat. This is because fructose stimulates the body to secrete a hormone that can cause overeating. Not only that, fructose will not stimulate the secretion of "leptin", and the body's energy consumption will not increase. Therefore, eating a lot of fructose is the same as eating a lot of fat, which is an important cause of obesity.

However, at present, all sectors of society in our country do not understand the hazards of excessive intake of fructose. Therefore, it is necessary for food producers and the public to understand the hazards of excessive intake of fructose. However, from another point of view, everyone does not have to worry about whether eating fruits will cause excessive intake of fructose, because the fructose content in fruits is still very low and will not cause adverse reactions. As for honey, eating a small amount of honey every day is good for health.

In our lives, the foods that really contain a lot of fructose are fruit juices and soft drinks that are popular on the market. Although these beverages are marked as "sugar-free" beverages, which means that these beverages do not contain sucrose, they all contain fructose, or use fructose syrup as a sweetener, especially carbonated beverages, which is more harmful. In addition, the sucrose contained in various sweets is also broken down into glucose and fructose in the body. Therefore, the number of various sweets, especially sweet drinks, should be limited.